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Total of answers: 206

What character should have been brought from melee to brawl?

Total of answers: 121

The RT Crew is a competitive Super Smash Bros. Brawl crew.  Our clan is exclusive to only high level smash players.  We believe in power of smash skill, not power of numbers.  We do NOT allow multiclanning, and  we are a fairly easy group to get along with, and come to for clan wars or casual smash.

Our Tryouts:
If you want to join Retaliation then you have to play one or two of our members, in a 2/3 set, and either bring them down to the red zone of their last stock (90-100% or more) or beat them.  After that the crew will discuss if you should be in or not. You can only tryout for RT once a month if you fail.

Having a hard time passing tryouts? Talk to joeST aka WaveDash.  We can possibly enter you as a trainee, and if you stick with us for a while, we'll put you into a war after some training with the crew, and if you perform well, you're on your way to becoming a regular member.  Our trainees will be considered part of the crew, and will get all of our benefits.

The Benefits of Retaliation:
-We make graphics and signatures for our members
-All of our members get featured in clan wars
-We make videos that star ALL of our members, not just some of them
-Our chat is active, come anytime for some smash and hanging out
-All our members get mod powers in the chat
-Our members get to select music for our playlist

Please ask any one of our members if you have any more questions about us. 


Total online: 1
Guests: 1
Users: 0

Saturday 05.04.2024

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